Restore problems and complications from previous breast surgeries or renew the aesthetic results. At Geoplasty Plastic Surgery, we offer the most contemporary and reliable treatments and techniques for breast revision surgery.

What breast revision surgery is

Over the last few years, the need for breast revision or, to be precise, breast reconstruction surgery has increased.

The main reasons for these surgeries are:

  • New change in appearance of breasts. When a woman wants to change the appearance of her breasts again, either the shape or size (augmentation or reduction compared to the primary surgery).
  • Renewal of initial result. Reconstructive surgery is performed in the event that the initial result has been altered due to other conditions, such as significant weight fluctuation, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Correction of any complications from the primary procedure. Restores any medical errors or complications, mainly due to poor quality or displacement of implants.

Which errors and complications of the primary surgery are restored

The most common problems from the primary procedure that may be restored during breast revision surgery are:

  • Implant malposition correction from the original and right position.
  • Deflation, meaning volume loss, either of the implant or the overlying breast tissue, resulting in outer folds (rippling).
  • Silicone leakage due to implant rupture.
  • Treatment of aesthetic deformities associated with implant malposition, such as 2-tiered breast (double bubble deformity) or waterfall deformity, wrinkling, noticeable or crooked implants and synmastia.
  • Pericapsular inflammation phase 3 and 4, resulting in breast deformation and pain.
  • Asymmetrical nipples, saggy breasts or distortion of the round shape of the breast after undergoing a breast lift.
  • Improvement of the appearance of scars left behind from the primary surgery.
  • Various combinations of the above cases.

How breast revision surgery is performed

Detailed problem diagnosis

To identify the root cause of the problem, Dr Georgopoulos will ask you detailed information about:

  • The primary procedure and the implants used.
  • Your medical history.
  • Photos of your breast before the primary surgery.
  • Your new expectations.

Prior to surgery, imaging tests of the breast are usually required, such as MRI and ultrasound.

New augmentation, reduction or lift

The procedure is usually fairly simple and recovery is shorter compared to the primary procedure.

The same applies when the issue is volume loss (rippling).

Treatment of deformities

The treatment of deformities associated with the silicone implants varies.

Depending on the deformity, a minor procedure with local anaesthesia may be needed.

A major procedure may be required as well as a combination of many different reconstructive techniques to ensure that the shape and functionality of the breasts are restored.

Repositioning is usually required or replacement of the implant with a better quality one, or one with different features or shape. Furthermore, correction of pocket dissection, capsulectomy, fat transfer to the breast with a special technique, or even creation of a local flap may be required.

Dr Georgopoulos will choose the most suitable and effective surgical technique, with the aim of fully managing any issue that may arise and improving your breast aesthetically.

What to look out for after a breast revision surgery

No matter why you want to correct a breast procedure, revision surgery requires special management, knowledge and experience.

A proper and accurate diagnosis of the cause of the problem is of vital importance.

The plastic surgeon who will perform the revision surgery must have experience, as well as special knowledge, especially of the new plastic surgery techniques in terms of reconstruction. Otherwise, you run the risk not only of failing to correct the existing problem, but also of making it worse.

Dr Georgopoulos is a specialist in breast revision surgeries. He can guarantee to resolve any problem that may arise, and ensure that you will not have to deal with a similar problem in the future.

What the possible complications of the procedure are

Some of the potential complications are those common to all surgeries and include infection and haematoma.

The plastic surgeon’s experience and special knowledge protect you in the event of any problems.

Why choose us for breast revision surgery

If you need breast revision surgery, at Geoplasty Plastic Surgery we offer the most contemporary and reliable techniques. Dr Georgopoulos and the fully trained personnel of Geoplasty Plastic Surgery ensure excellent, long-lasting results, with attention to safety.

Over the last decade, Dr Georgopoulos has gained deep knowledge and experience in the area of breast surgery and has been recognised as an expert both in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Moreover, he is particularly recognised for surgical breast treatments relating to fat grafting and stem cells.

On your first visit, Dr Georgopoulos will discuss with you in depth every detail of your previous procedure, as well as your needs and expectations. After collecting, evaluating and studying all the necessary information, he will choose the most suitable and effective cosmetic improvement or treatment for any issue that may have arisen. He understands your ordeal and his main aim is to correct the problem with the least possible physical and mental strain for you.

Book an appointment to find out all about the available options and personalised solutions, fully tailored to your needs:
