
Repair tissue deficits in the head, body, arms and legs and improve your image and self-esteem. At Geoplasty Plastic Surgery, we examine your problem, assess your case and discuss with you in depth about all the available options.

What tissue deficits are

Tissue deficits develop from various causes, such as:

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Tumour excision.
  • Congenital (since birth) anomalies.

Tissue deficits develop in the head, body, arms or legs and may cause serious functional and aesthetic problems.

Especially when it comes to the face and body, some deficits may have a significant impact on the image, self-esteem and everyday life of a patient.

Such a case is Poland syndrome, a birth defect marked by underdeveloped breast(s) and absence (aplasia) of some of the chest wall muscles.

How tissue deficits are treated

There are various available solutions to correct deficits in the face or body using anything from non-invasive techniques to complex surgical procedures.

The procedure depends on the anatomical area and the extent of the problem.

The main purpose of every technique is to restore the deficit with the best possible aesthetic result.

The experienced and qualified staff of Geoplasty Plastic Surgery will advise you about your options and will brief you on your recovery.

Simple and complicated techniques

Minor tissue deficits are treated successfully with:

Major deficits require more advanced techniques, such as:

  • Local flaps.
  • Silicone implants and tissue expanders.
  • Free autologous tissue transfer.

Autologous tissue transfer

This technique uses tissue from another part of the body (donor area). The vascularisation and/or innervation of the tissue is maintained, and the flap is implanted in the area with the deficit (recipient area).

The vascularisation of the free flap is restored with microsurgery techniques, and is linked to the vessels of the recipient area.

It is a very demanding surgical technique which is performed only by plastic surgeons specialising in microsurgery.

Why choose us for treatment of tissue deficits

If you have a tissue deficit in any part of your body, at Geoplasty Plastic Surgery we offer the most contemporary and reliable reconstruction techniques to treat tissue deficits in the body, head, arms and legs.

Dr Georgopoulos has long experience in the treatment of tissue deficits, which he acquired at Agios Savvas General Anticancer-Oncology Hospital of Athens, as well as through his commitment to reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. On your first visit, he will examine you thoroughly and will recommend personalised solutions, fully tailored to your needs and expectations.

Furthermore, the experienced and qualified staff of Geoplasty Plastic Surgery will advise you accordingly for your smooth recovery.

Book an appointment to find out all about the treatment of tissue deficits, as well as any other available options that reconstructive plastic surgery may offer you:
